To all of my Queens, Kings, and other Things who've been struggling with skin issues I want to share this with you. If you have dry skin you need moisture. If you have bumps you need a cleanser. Don't magnify a situation dealing with your skin. Stay calm- their is hope and their is help.
Thankfully, I've never had big issues with bumps but I have struggled with dry skin. So, since dry skin happens to be my expertise let's start there.
Growing up I used all lotions on my face from unscented to overly scented. I was always of a fair tone so Any inch of dryness would be somewhat camouflaged. However, due to the fact that it was ignored for so long it took its toll over my entire face. Skin peels but thankfully it heals. In a matter of minutes you can kiss your dry face goodbye and welcome your new and improved smooth skin.
Yes! Johnson's baby lotion saved my life (well, my skin)! Ambi, Suave, Cocoa Butter, and all other lotions on the market are great products but the pleasant smelling soft feel baby lotion can tackle dryness like none other.It carries a sweet natural scent that is acceptable with both genders and blends exceptionally well with any cologne or perfume.
Cocoa Butter is still in the healing business. A lot of people have strayed from cocoa butter because they claim its far too oily. Its not! Our heavy handed relatives have caused us to be afraid to use this wonderful product. If your skin is dry please comply. Use a small portion on your face and it will totally tone your skin. It's a face lift in a bottle! No lie!
*Skin Milk Soap bars and lotions are wonderful as well!
Part II featuring different cleansers will be published soon.
Much love to the Google Search engine crew for the photos.
For suggestions, comments, and concerns contact A'Kira Pollard at
Yes! Ultra Glow products are sold in Walmart and they truly work wonders.
After a month of research I have failed to find a bad review on their products. I've used their soap bar for many years and its like Heaven on Earth. I've never spent more than $1 on the soap bar that will last me from 2 weeks to a month. Try this, I promise it will not fail you =) Next........Cocoa Butter is still in the healing business. A lot of people have strayed from cocoa butter because they claim its far too oily. Its not! Our heavy handed relatives have caused us to be afraid to use this wonderful product. If your skin is dry please comply. Use a small portion on your face and it will totally tone your skin. It's a face lift in a bottle! No lie!
*Skin Milk Soap bars and lotions are wonderful as well!
Part II featuring different cleansers will be published soon.
Much love to the Google Search engine crew for the photos.
For suggestions, comments, and concerns contact A'Kira Pollard at