Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Black Diamonds and Girls Bumps in To Reggie the Comedian's World

Queens, Kings, and other Things -- it is my pleasure to introduce to you one guy that you never want to end up in a comedy roast with, Reginald Manning! Weighing in at 100 pounds wet, Reggie is the heavyweight champ of pure underground comedy. He holds not 1 but 2 stand-up appearances under his belt. The 24 year old shoe fanatic is on his way to becoming a house hold name by delivering his jokes at any given moment! Look out Steve Harvey, he's watching the throne!

I sat down with the hilarious up & coming Comedian and covered various topics. He's very talented and truly holds the gift of making others smile & laugh. From his sick shoe game to his laid back personality, Reggie is known for being an all around cool cat from the streets of Monroe, LA to the highways of St. Louis, MO. Here's what he had to say:

A'Kira: Where did you discover your comical capabilities?
Reggie:  As Far As When? I'll Probably Have To Say Back In Elementary Like You Know As A Kid, Every Kid Wanted Attention Weather It Be From Their Parents Or Whomever Me Myself I Wanted It From Everybody & As Far As How I'd Have To Say A lot of Hours In Detention. Lol Sorry Mom!

A'Kira: Did you automatically gain a hunger to be on the scene as a comedian or did that come about later in life?
Reggie: I Was Hungry At A Young Age. I Ate Mostly Lunchables Though, The Pizza Kind You Know With The Cheese & The Pepperoni! You Remember Those, Huh? Lol! But All Jokes Aside I Wasn't Passionate About It Til' I Got Older- Like I Had This Mindset That Entertaining People Was God's Purpose For Me Everybody Has A Purpose In Life. You Just Have To Have Faith That You'll Find It & It's Never To Late To Do So. 

A'Kira: What was the moment like when you knew it was time to pursue comedy?
Reggie: I Watched A lot Of TV & I Would Study Comedic Actors Such As Will Smith, Chris Tucker, Cedric The Entertainer & So On & Then It Hit Me, Like It Literally Hit Me Because My TV Had Fell Off My Dresser. I Had Stitches For About A Week! It Was Crazy! I'm Ok Now Though. Lmao, But Yeah I Would Always Get A lot Of Feed Back From People Like "OMG Your So Funny", " You Should Have Your Own Show." "I Want To Have Your Baby" You Know How Females Are! And This Was Coming From People I Didn't Even Know! I Knew What I Was Capable Of I Just Needed The Opportunity To Display My Talent. So, I went for it!

He is so funny that I can't take him serious! It's gets better.......

A'Kira: Possessing the gift of humor attracts quite a few ladies I'm sure. What sparks your interest and what pushes a funny guy like you away?
Reggie: Ahahaha! True Story Though, Sometimes I Feel Like David Ruffin Minus The Whole Cocaine Abuse. Lol! But I Love Women, Light skinned Women Especially. I Don't Discriminate But It's Just Something About Them You Know They Just Brighten My Day Cause When It's Cold Outside I Have The Month Of May. Lol, Do You Follow Me? Ahahaha But Far As My Sparks, She Would have To Be Respectful, Trustworthy, Caring, Smart, Anti-Lacefront, Ambitious, Great Sense Of Humor, Sneaker-Head & A Woman Of God. The Things That Push Me Away are Lace-fronts With Extra Glue, Alcoholics, Negativity & Hood! 

A'Kira: Unfortunately, everyone doesn't have a sense of humor. Have your jokes ever offended or ran off any lady friends?
Reggie: I'm Not To Sure Really, Because 9 Times Out Of 10 She Already Knows What She's Getting Into, "I'm Reggie" Lol I Mean I Have Limits If I Know Shes Sensitive About A Certain Subject, I Won't Touch It. I Was Raised To Have The Utmost Respect For People, Not Only Women. So I Know What To Poke Fun At & What Not To. My Intentions Are To Make People Laugh Not To Come Off As Being Disrespectful.

How sincere =)

A'Kira: What can we expect from you soon?
Reggie: Greatness. Simple As That! I Just Want to Be Great! 
Lots Of Videos, Parody Songs, Comedy Sketches I Got That All Coming Soon I'm Doing It All!

Enough said! Reggie is destined for greatness. With a sparkling personality and gentleman-like ways I am 100% sure that he will capture the hearts of America with his comedy. 

For booking, contact Reggie at ReggieManning87@yahoo.com or via Facebook under Reginald Manning.

We support you here at Black Diamonds and Girls. Thanks for letting us in your world!
*********We crown you as our King of Comedy!*********

Monday, March 26, 2012

Black Diamonds & Girls Drops by FLYYPHAM's World!

Queens, Kings, and other Things * it's that time again! I'm back on the scene with another extraordinary post starring an extraordinary guy- Marty McFLYY. 

Kevin, professionally referred to as Fresh McFlyy, is one of Monroe, LA's most creative citizens. Kev owns up to the title as an Hip Hop Artist, Kony 2012 Advocate, Fashion Designer, and all time gentleman! From his looks to his talent Kev is an eye-catcher! I caught up with him to experience a day in the life of Marty McFlyy! 
Come on in.........

Having fun, being goofy, making music, skateboarding, and hanging with friends is the story of Kev's life. He aims to extend his creativity and attract fans each and every day! #Grinder! As far as his music goes, Fresh McFlyy discovered his musical capability as a kid rapping with his sister's Barbie radio along with his brother and friend. How cute =)! He's an overall ambitious guy with a hustle and drive out of this world. I asked him what made him different from most guys, especially those in Monroe. He stated "I'm not sure. I'm just me at the end of the day and I guess a lot of guys just cant be that and feel the need to be someone or something they're not."
You go boy!!!

Recently, I took heed of his hunger for world peace as I watched him promote the Kony 2012 issue. He encouraged his peers to become educated about the cause and to push and promote the issue as well. Usually guys of his stamina would overlook such a struggling cause, but he overcame statistics and became a self made advocate. I conversed with him about what attracted him to that particular cause and he said "Well, I just love kids to death and if their is a way to help kids I'm down for it. It's also a good cause!" He has a great heart!

While discussing every thing we could thing of, I was able to get his incite on romance. What a fun topic ladies ;)! He is obviously attracted to someone who has a great personality, A-1 conversing skills, a sense of humor, a pretty face, and last but not least (drum-roll......) big boobs!
HaHaHa! He's a character!
On another note, he stated that he is not attracted to girls who do way too much before they get to know him. I think everyone can vouch for that! Calling a guy boo, baby, bae, etc. too soon is annoying to him as well as millions of others. Be cool, be you!

In the meantime, when this human power-house is allotted spare time he enjoys rapping, writing, skateboarding, cooking, painting, listening to music -- All Around Fun!

In the future, he told me that he looks forward to having his clothing line in a couple of spots, being signed to a label, and possibly enjoying father hood.Ultimately, he has hopes of being in a position to put his team on and support his family.

You are on the road to riches & here at Black Diamonds & Girls we crown you as our King!

For features, bookings, graphics, clothing, and more contact  Kev via Facebook under Marty McFLYY, via twitter @flyyphamfresh @THE2isDOPE, and at flyyphamfresh@GMail.com.

Go Kevin! Success looks flyy on you =)!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Black Diamonds & Girls Visits Kenya's Fashion World

Queens, Kings, and other things :p I would like to introduce you to my 3rd sister, Kenya Drew! Never in a million years would I imagine my nerd of a big sis to transform into this locally famous fashion guru! From her A-List hairstyles to her animal inspired wardrobe, she reigns as the Queen of swag in our hometown of Monroe, LA. I'm not over exaggerating because she's my mom's child :)... I personally bash 50% of her wardrobe, but its all out of love. Check out what a couple Queens had to say about her swaggggggg.....

"She's a daredevil!"
-Jasmine Manuel, ULM Classmate

"I think she's bizarre like none other. No one can even attempt to mimic Kenya unless it's a clone. She's self made and extraordinary like a walking mannequin."
 -Tiera McMillan, former neighbor

"Kenya's swag is very unique and one of a kind... Sometimes she puts me in mind of Beyonce. As future would say her swag is like "Walahh MAGIC!"
-Marrisa Wallace, Family Friend

They just love that girl!
I called and talked to Kenya about her style for the first time ever. Here's what she had to say:

"Fashion has no rules! It's not rocket science! It's a mixture of ideas, trends and colors!!!! Fashion is an art... it doesn't have to make sense! #BOW"

Kenya's fashion has landed her spots in pageants & royal courts. She's even decorated for several local balls. Her down to earth personality enthused her peers as she stepped on the scene FLYYY. Instead of being snobby due to her attraction she marched with the band throughout her high school years. She went on to explore a fashion major on the campus of ULM. She now resides in Shreveport where she spills her swag out the Board walks Rue 21.  Being that she's 21 I expect for her to one day open her own boutique and continue to maintain her style. If you're ever looking for a Fashion Stylist contact Kenya via facebook @Kenya.Drew or via twitter @DREWgiirl_. Go Kenya! Black Diamonds & Girls declares you as our Queen!

If it Had Not Been for the Lord on My Side...

Welcome ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, cats, and dogs!! What an honor it is to be able to blog and share my thoughts, trials, tribulations, accomplishments, flaws etc with YOU! I would like to take this time to thank my King Jesus! For you are my everything. Thank you to my parents my Queen Sharon and my King Michael for being true leaders. And last but not least thank you to my sister and best friend Shanna for paving the way for me to blog.

Okay ladies & gents! It's time to get started! I promise that my "Black Diamonds & Girls" franchise will take off like a rocket! Stay tuned for my first official post! It's bound to be bomb. com!. =)