Monday, March 26, 2012

Black Diamonds & Girls Drops by FLYYPHAM's World!

Queens, Kings, and other Things * it's that time again! I'm back on the scene with another extraordinary post starring an extraordinary guy- Marty McFLYY. 

Kevin, professionally referred to as Fresh McFlyy, is one of Monroe, LA's most creative citizens. Kev owns up to the title as an Hip Hop Artist, Kony 2012 Advocate, Fashion Designer, and all time gentleman! From his looks to his talent Kev is an eye-catcher! I caught up with him to experience a day in the life of Marty McFlyy! 
Come on in.........

Having fun, being goofy, making music, skateboarding, and hanging with friends is the story of Kev's life. He aims to extend his creativity and attract fans each and every day! #Grinder! As far as his music goes, Fresh McFlyy discovered his musical capability as a kid rapping with his sister's Barbie radio along with his brother and friend. How cute =)! He's an overall ambitious guy with a hustle and drive out of this world. I asked him what made him different from most guys, especially those in Monroe. He stated "I'm not sure. I'm just me at the end of the day and I guess a lot of guys just cant be that and feel the need to be someone or something they're not."
You go boy!!!

Recently, I took heed of his hunger for world peace as I watched him promote the Kony 2012 issue. He encouraged his peers to become educated about the cause and to push and promote the issue as well. Usually guys of his stamina would overlook such a struggling cause, but he overcame statistics and became a self made advocate. I conversed with him about what attracted him to that particular cause and he said "Well, I just love kids to death and if their is a way to help kids I'm down for it. It's also a good cause!" He has a great heart!

While discussing every thing we could thing of, I was able to get his incite on romance. What a fun topic ladies ;)! He is obviously attracted to someone who has a great personality, A-1 conversing skills, a sense of humor, a pretty face, and last but not least (drum-roll......) big boobs!
HaHaHa! He's a character!
On another note, he stated that he is not attracted to girls who do way too much before they get to know him. I think everyone can vouch for that! Calling a guy boo, baby, bae, etc. too soon is annoying to him as well as millions of others. Be cool, be you!

In the meantime, when this human power-house is allotted spare time he enjoys rapping, writing, skateboarding, cooking, painting, listening to music -- All Around Fun!

In the future, he told me that he looks forward to having his clothing line in a couple of spots, being signed to a label, and possibly enjoying father hood.Ultimately, he has hopes of being in a position to put his team on and support his family.

You are on the road to riches & here at Black Diamonds & Girls we crown you as our King!

For features, bookings, graphics, clothing, and more contact  Kev via Facebook under Marty McFLYY, via twitter @flyyphamfresh @THE2isDOPE, and at

Go Kevin! Success looks flyy on you =)!

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