Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our New Natural Queen

Curls for the girls, Waves for the Babes
Look out World! I'm going natural today
No more burning perms- help is on the way
Look out World! I'm going natural today
Good bye weave and bad hair days
Look out World! I'm going natural today
Free to be me : twist, jump, bounce, sway
Look out World! I'm going natural today
You get it by now but I still feel the need to say
Look out World! I'm going natural today :)
                                                    -A'Kira the Poet 

The Natural Beauty in the above photo is none other than Southern University's own Lorealle Shell.
On Mother's Day 2012 she experienced the big chop and fell in love. 
I, A'Kira Pollard (founder of Black Diamonds & Girls), was allotted the opportunity to cut her hair and start her natural journey. Isn't she lovely? Going natural is simply beautiful especially when you have the looks to compliment your cut. You go girl! You're beautiful Lorealle!
Welcome to the wonderful world of natural girls!

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